How to Lose Back Fat – In 3 Easy Steps

Simple and Effective Tips on How to Lose Back Fat

How To Lose Back Fat

How to lose back fat the healthy way? Bet on the winning trifecta – Exercise, Diet & Lifestyle!

It’s mocked as the ugly “bra bulge“. Dreaded as fearful back fat. And commonly known as a troublesome adipose pad that overlies your back muscles.

It creates an unhealthy-looking fold just above your waistline, or spills over the top of your jeans.

How to lose back fat and do it in a healthy, safe and fast way that won’t leave you frustrated and hassled?

It’s simple – when you follow an approach based on

  • Exercise
  • Diet
  • Lifestyle modification

What causes back fat?

Why Back Fat
Back fat builds up gradually over months, even years. The deposit of fat pads around the bra strap or behind the waist is accelerated by

  • health problems such as diabetes (or insulin resistance),
  • high testosterone blood levels, and
  • an intolerance to carbs.

Compounding the problem are lifestyle choices.

  • Not getting enough aerobic exercise and picking to lead a sedentary lifestyle as a couch potato worsen and hasten back fat deposits.
  • A diet rich in sugar and sodium increases inflammation which in turn leads to the accumulation of extra fat everywhere in the body, including over your back.
  • Bad posture and a poor choice of clothes to wear might make it seem as if you have more back fat than in reality.
  • But by far the biggest culprit is one you have little if any control over – your genetic make-up.

Yes, your genes determine where in your body the extra calories that you eat will get deposited first (or in larger amounts) in the form of fat, leaving you with little choice over the final outcome.

So now you know what causes back fat, let’s look at the next issue.

Where does back fat build up?

You may store fat in three parts of your back:

  • Upper back fat is where excess fat builds up and bulges around a bra strap, creating an appearance that some feel visually unappealing.
  • Mid-back fat gets stored in the middle of your back, behind the waist area, forming rolls that are fondly referred to as ‘love handles’ – that most owners don’t quite love!
  • Lower back fat is what gathers even lower down to roll in folds over the waistband of your jeans or trousers.

What’s responsible for this distribution?

Essentially, your genetic structure determines where excess fat goes – so it is random and unpredictable for any individual person.

What is clear is that to lose back fat, you’ve got to lose overall fat… because there is no way to target your efforts at fat loss to a specific part of your body.

Ok, so knowing what causes back fat and where it builds up, we can discuss the more practical questions such as how to get rid of lower back fat.

How To Lose Lower Back Fat

How to get rid of fat
It isn’t impossible, or even difficult, once you know how to lose back fat – and develop the discipline to follow a simple plan.

You’ll need a combination of

  • healthy eating
  • calorie restriction
  • exercises to lose back fat

With this plan to burn off extra fat and make your back strong, you’ll get rid of lower back fat in three weeks or less. So let’s talk about how to enjoy a visibly toned back next.

Eat Healthy To Lose Back Fat

No, there are no magic fat-burning foods to get rid of back fat.

But there are foods that boost metabolic rate, consume more of the calories you eat, and are used up as preferred energy sources instead of being stored as fat.

The best diet to lose back fat is one that’s balanced with vegetables, fruits and whole grain foods of low glycemic index. This means you’ll eat fresh produce that isn’t instantly converted into glucose, but gradually converted into nutrients that your body burns to meet energy needs.

Whole grains are ideal, and include:

  • brown rice
  • sorghum
  • red rice
  • barley
  • millet
  • black rice
  • quinoa

Food that is low in salt and high in fiber content helps lose back fat.

High protein content helps build muscle and beans, tofu, mushrooms and lentils are good choices.

Some great food choices

  • Avocados are filling and you won’t feel hungry for a while after eating.
  • Hard boiled eggs are digested gradually, leaving you with less hunger cravings.
  • Leafy green vegetables are dense with fiber and rich in micronutrients like vitamins.
  • Tuna, salmon and other oily fish have omega 3 fatty acids that regulate insulin activity.
  • Milk and low-fat dairy has whey protein that boosts satiety and stabilizes blood sugar.
  • Lean chicken breast is protein-rich with little fat and builds muscle mass.
  • Broccoli, cauliflower, sweet potato and chickpeas with high fiber level help gut health.
  • Almonds and other nuts or seeds combine healthy fats with plant protein.

Mediterranean diet - No limits
Whenever somebody asks how to lose back fat, it’s as if they’re looking for a diet that will auto-magically make them thin overnight.

Well, there’s no single food that can achieve weight loss by itself.

Often, fat loss happens as the result of a combination of things – diet, exercise, sleep, lifestyle changes and better stress management.

But there are certainly some things that interfere with your efforts to lose back fat.

So make sure you avoid them.

  • Beware the amount of sugar you consume, either as extra added sugar to food and drinks, or as rice, pasta, bread and other carbs.
  • Stay away from junk food. Say no to burgers and fries, pizzas and packaged or processed foods.
  • Most frozen food and packaged juices are loaded with preservatives and additives that will ruin your metabolism and prevent fat loss.

Create a Caloric Deficit To Lose Lower Back Fat

To get rid of a pound of weight as fat, you must burn off 3,500 calories. This means you must be able to establish a calorie deficit.

A caloric deficit occurs when you burn more calories as energy than you consume as food.

When you reduce by 300 to 500 your calorie intake in a day, while keeping your activity level steady, you’ll create a caloric deficit of 3,500 calories in 7 to 10 days – and drop a pound in weight.

How to reduce calorie intake?

Cut down on foods with high calorie values but poor in nutrition. An obvious choice is to avoid sugary drinks, sodas and bottled or packaged juices. All foods with artificial sweeteners or other preservatives fall into this category as well.

If you want to lose back fat, you’ll have to say goodbye to these hidden sources of empty calories.

You can speed up the process through exercise. If you go to the gym and burn off 300 to 500 calories in a fierce workout, you’ll double the caloric deficit – and shed excess fat twice as quickly!

Exercises To Lose Back Fat

Weight Loss Workouts
When you tweak your workout routines to include targeted exercises for muscles in your lower back, like the extensors and obliques, you’ll get rid of lower back fat more effectively.

Focus the exercise on your upper and lower back muscles, and consciously strengthen postural and back muscles. Don’t neglect the hamstrings, glutes and back muscles.

Understand that you’ll have to combine this workout with aerobic/cardio training to burn off more fat and lose back fat in a lasting, permanent way. Aerobics help ramp up metabolism, mobilize stored fat for energy, and serve to elevate your mood as well.

You can choose between

  • riding a bicycle for 45 minutes, or
  • walking/running for 20 to 30 minutes, or
  • doing jumping jacks as part of your workout

By adding HIIT (high intensity interval training) to your weight lifting routine not only helps lose overall weight but will get rid of lower back fat faster.

Which are the best exercises to lose back fat?

There are workout routines tailored specifically for muscles in your upper, middle and lower back.

Here is a short list, with detailed explanations of some of the exercises.

Exercises To Lose Lower Back Fat

  • Reverse hip raise (with exercise ball): helps tone your back muscles
  • Side jackknife: strengthens your obliques, and melts away “love handles”
  • Superman: works out your glutes and lower back muscles, helping lose back fat
  • Side crunches: exercises your lateral obliques, removes belly and back fat
  • Bent over dumbbell/barbell rows: abdominal muscle workout that also loses back fat
  • Kettlebell swing: improves posture and makes lower back muscles stronger

Exercises To Lose Upper Back Fat

  • Lateral raises with dumbbells: for your deltoids and obliques
  • Rowing: using gym equipment to exercise upper arm and back muscles
  • Speed bag: build up strength in upper back muscles, burns off upper back fat
  • Plank on dumbbells: boosts core strength, removes upper back fat
  • Push ups: general back muscle exercise, aids overall weight loss and muscle gain
  • Reverse Fly: tailored for upper back muscle strength

Exercises To Lose Mid Back Fat

  • Lat Pulldowns: at the gym, using elastic bands to make lats stronger
  • Resistance Band Pull-Down: similar to above, but also for obliques
  • Back Extension: to strengthen small back muscles and erector spinae

How To Lose Back Fat – Instantly!

While eating right, creating a calorie deficit and exercising to lose back fat are all effective, long-lasting tactics, sometimes all it takes to get rid of back fat is a simple change or two.

One way is to wear a better fitted bra!

Yes, it could be as simple as that. A bra that’s too tight or fits badly could make fat bulge above and below the strap, making back fat seem worse than it is.

Try different kinds of bra to see if one fits nicely. Some brassieres are specifically designed to mask or conceal uncomfortable bulges. They are also more comfortable to wear for long periods.

bra bulge back fat loss

Even the way you dress could make back fat vanish. Pick dresses and tops with a V-neck. Some brands of sportswear are stitched in a way to make you appear slim.

Bulges that are caused by excess back fat may look worse when you wear tighter clothes or tops that reveal more skin or dresses of sheer material you can almost see through.

Medical Procedures To Lose Back Fat

Rarely, in resistant or severe cases, medical procedures become necessary to get rid of lower back fat.

Procedures like liposuction and laser lipolysis, or name-branded programs like CoolSculpt and UltraShaper can eliminate back fat quickly and completely.

Coolsculpting - How to lose fat over the back
All medical procedures however come with some side effects that you should carefully consider before opting for one. They are also universally expensive.

If you choose to have a medical procedure to lose back fat, be sure to consult a reputed, board-certified and/or qualified dermatologist or plastic surgeon before you decide what will work best.

Lifestyle Changes Make Back Fat Loss Permanent

Whatever approaches you take to melt away back fat, you’ll want to make sure the gains are sustained for a long time.

This means consistency is key.

With a support system to keep you on track, and patience with the way you look and feel, it’s possible to retain the fat loss achievements you’ve made for months, or even years.

Walking - and how to lose stomach fat
Here’s what goes into making these lifestyle changes.

  • Start walking more regularly.
  • If you smoke cigarettes or other forms of tobacco, quit it.
  • Practice better posture. It makes back fat disappear.
  • Get enough sleep. Rest helps fat loss.
  • Prepare meals ahead of time. This saves time and prevents frustration.
  • Lower stress levels through meditation and yoga.

All these measures go a long way collectively in keeping back fat off.

How To Lose Back Fat – Frequently Asked Questions

1. How do you lose back fat fast?

Here are 5 exercises to reduce bra bulge and lose back fat fast.

a. pull ups – do 10 reps
b. bent-over dumbbell rows – 10 times
c. inverted row – 10 reps
d. Pilates overhead presses – 10 times
e. arm slides – 10 reps

Do these consistently every day for 3 weeks and you’re guaranteed to lose back fat fast.

2. How do you get rid of back fat and love handles?

Be it love handles or folds of back fat or bra bulge, getting rid of back fat requires determination and patience. Even when you eat smart and exercise regularly, you may find stubborn back fat is tough to melt away.

Maybe you’re genetically predisposed to have fat stick on to your back. You have thin legs or slim thighs, but there are unsightly globs of fat over your back. That’s annoying, but there’s little you can do about it – except losing fat everywhere.

So getting rid of love handles and back fat means staying in shape, continuing your workouts and sticking with a healthy eating plan until the muffin top or back fat rolls disappear.

How to get rid of fat

3. How do I lose belly and back fat?

Try following a workout that helps lose belly and back fat.

When you’re eating healthy food and exercising regularly, but not noticing the kind of back fat loss you’d hoped for, change your routine.

Add exercises that focus on back muscles and burn off back fat. Do it in the morning, afternoon while taking a lunch break, or any other time you can fit it in.

a. Plank row: Do 15 reps starting from a plank position, pulling your arm up to the side of your abdomen.

b. Side plank scoop: Do 15 reps on each side, starting from a side plank position and scooping your arm under the body.

c. Breast stroke: With feet on the floor, lift your back up and do a breaststroke using your arms. Try 15 reps.

d. Swimming in air: Lie down on the floor, raise all limbs and paddle through the air for 15 reps.

4. What causes back fat under bra?

A few different things contribute to back fat under the bra, often called bra bulge. Some are easily fixed. Others take some time and effort to correct.

  • Poorly fitting bras can be uncomfortable and also cause bra bulge.
  • Fat build up near the upper back bulges out when you wrap a bra over it.
  • Loose, sagging skin over the back and chest might bunch up to look like back fat.

In addition, some people are genetically prone to accumulate fat primarily over the back whenever they gain some weight.

5. How do you lose stubborn back fat?

Once your healthy new lifestyle is in place, how do you target all that you do to better lose back fat?

Well, that isn’t quite possible, strictly speaking. You cannot get rid of fat from certain places without losing fat from other parts of your body at the same time. Essentially, all you’re doing is burning off fat – everywhere.

6. What exercises burn lower back fat?

Attempting to ‘spot reduce’ fat in selected areas is doomed to fail. It might work to build muscle, but when it comes to ways to burn lower back fat, it can only happen as part of a more general process.

So instead of doing just crunches that ignore back and core strength, include push ups, chest presses, leg presses, lat pulldowns and reverse flies, along with a fair amount of cardio exercise to burn lower back fat effectively.

7. How can men lose lower back fat at home?

It’s simple to lose lower back fat at home.

The quickest change to adopt is in your diet. Maybe you’ll go on a keto diet, or simply add healthier foods to what you regularly eat.

Just make sure you cut down on sugar and carbs, adding more whole grain, lean protein, fruit and vegetables to your meals.

The next step is to include cardiovascular (aerobic) exercises that burn calories and get rid of lower back fat. Two hours every week is optimal. You can run, walk, jog, dance, bicycle or do jumping jacks.

Finally, even if you’re trying to lose lower back fat at home, include strengthening exercises in your routine. Ensure that you focus on leg, arm and core muscles.

8. What causes love handles and back fat?

Love handles are bulges around the hip caused by fat deposits. Wearing ill-fitting or tight clothes makes them seem more pronounced. But unless you’re carrying around extra pounds, they don’t show up.

  • Age and stress make it more likely that you’ll build up fat around the hips and waist.
  • A sedentary lifestyle and unhealthy eating choices make the problem worse.
  • Lack of sleep and hormonal disturbances are also causes of love handles and back fat.

Losing love handles and back fat takes a combination of exercise, diet and lifestyle changes.

So that’s how to lose back fat, shed extra pounds and achieve a toned, healthy body. A stronger back means better posture, less backaches, a sense of well-being and a more attractive physique.

Lose back fat as part of an overall fat loss program like Shaun Hadsall’s ‘14 Day Rapid Fat Loss‘ for sustained benefits that last for months or years. Learn more about this popular fat loss guide here – click.

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How To Lose Fat – Who Else Wants To Know About 3 Golden Rules To Losing Fat

how to lose belly fat

The little-known secret about how to lose fat, keep it off, and enjoy better health.

One of the most common fitness goals is also the most misunderstood. There are hundreds of books, articles, diet programs, and workout regimens on how to lose fat.

However, with more than a few options available, it can be difficult to choose the rare program that is both effective and safe.

While you can always find and follow a good transformation program for fat loss with some research, it helps to understand the basics of how to lose weight.

No matter what plan you select, there are some universal, time-tested rules that have been proven effective to get rid of stubborn fat cells.

These rules are the fat loss fundamentals that are incorporated in more than a few weight loss programs and courses. To help you get started, here’s a list of 3 golden rules on how to lose fat.

#1: Divide Your Meals

1200 Calorie Diet - Sunday
You typically eat 3-4 meals in a day – one breakfast, one lunch, one supper, and one dinner every 24 hours.

The first rule on how to lose fat effectively is to divide your meals into smaller portions and eat more frequently throughout the day.

Having small portions every 2 to 3 hours keeps your metabolism up and running, causing you to lose more fat.

So change your meal timings. It should be the first step in speeding up your metabolism and to help you start losing weight.

#2: Fix Your Diet

Now that you have an optimal metabolism, you should also start eating the right kind of food. This two-pronged attack is what fitness experts rely on when setting a meal plan for maximum fat loss.

But how to lose fat by just changing your diet?

It’s quite simple actually. You start out by having food rich in complex carbohydrate as opposed to simple carbohydrate.

Carb cycling is an important component of many fat loss programs, but a unique twist called macro-patterning is what sets apart the best ones (like Shaun Hadsall‘s “14 Day Rapid Fat Loss Plan“) from the rest.

Complex carbohydrates take longer to digest as compared to simple carbohydrates. This means that the body burns more calories just to digest the food.

It also has more time to utilize it, rather than just storing it as fat.

Oats, sweet potatoes, brown rice, and brown bread are some great examples of how to lose fat by choosing the right foods that are rich in complex carbohydrate.

Apart from eating more complex carbohydrates, you should also stay away from sugary and oil-rich foods because they are high in calories and can severely hamper your fat loss goals.

There is much more that you can do to speed up fat loss, but these rules are the basics and should get your fat loss kickstarted.

#3: Exercise Your Way To Success

Exercise - how to lose fat
Getting your diet right can only take you so far along your weight loss journey.

So how to lose fat even faster? To get great results, you should start to exercise regularly.

Cardiovascular exercises are the best way to get rid of fat.
It doesn’t really matter if you get your cardio indoors or outdoors as long as you are consistent with exercise. You can even maximize the fat burning effect by working out twice daily.

Just make sure that each of your cardio sessions are at least 20 minutes long.

Contrary to popular belief, weight training is also a great way to lose fat. So try and go to the gym at least 4 times a week and workout the different body parts optimally, following a plan or program like this one.

How To Lose Fat – 3 Golden Rules

To sum it up,

  • divide your meals,
  • eat the right kind of food, and
  • exercise regularly

These are the 3 basic secrets to how to lose fat. They are simple, effective and healthy ways to reach your weight loss goals.

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How to Lose Fat On The Arms

how to lose belly fat
How to lose arm fat?

That’s a common question you’ll see on health and fitness forums. In fact, you probably typed “how to lose fat” into Google to arrive at this page!

Many people are looking for ways to lose arm fat.  Some think fat arms look ugly. Others believe they cause other problems.
Maybe you’ve tried biceps and triceps exercises to try and quickly get rid of the flab. Sadly enough, exercise alone doesn’t do much good.

It is the same as obese people doing sit ups and crunches to try and lose their belly fat. At the end of the day, despite a rigorous workout and strict disciplined exercises, they end up with nothing.

That’s because it takes a little more than just doing a few exercises. It isn’t enough to lose fat – unless you get ahead of the entire problem.

Perfect diet planning, along with the right set of exercises and lifestyle modifications is the secret combination for successfully getting rid of excess arm fat.

Understand The Problem

Before getting into how to lose fat and seeking a solution, think about the main reason behind fat accumulation in your arms despite adequate exercise.

Maybe it’s because you’re not doing enough biceps curls or triceps dips.

However that’s is not the only reason behind the accumulation of fat around your upper arm. That’s a consequence of overall high levels of body fat.

So how to lose fat including from around your arms?

Some people blame their genes for fat arms. That is totally incorrect and unfair.

It also takes control out of your hands – and that’s a pity, because once you know the secret of how to lose fat, it’s just a matter of doing the right things for long enough.

Eat Right

1200 Calorie Diet - Wednesday
In order to have leaner arms, you should first improve your eating habits.

Bad dietary practices lead to extra calories piling up everywhere in your body, forming fatty acid deposits around your belly, thigh and arms.

If you’re looking to lose fat from your arms, you should begin with a change in eating habits.

Cut down on fatty foods. Eat more protein and carbohydrates instead. This helps build leaner muscles in your arms.

Avoid high calorie foods because this means extra energy is generated as the food is digested. When the body gets excess energy that is not used up, it stores them in the body as fats.

Lift Weights

The next step in how to lose fat is to start lifting weights.

Weight training is the single most effective step in your exploration into how to lose arm fat. When it comes to shaping up the muscles while burning body fat, nothing beats weight training.

Higher amounts of energy are burnt during weight training as compared to aerobic training or circuit training.

In order to burn huge amounts of energy during workouts, you should focus more on

  • pull ups,
  • one arm dumbbell rows,
  • bent over rows,
  • dead lifts and
  • squats.

If you burn off more energy than you make on a regular basis, you’ll gradually get rid of arm fat as well as enjoying overall fat loss all over your body.

Lose Fat On Your Arms

If the fat content of your body is reduced, you become lean and your arms will be leaner too. A well toned body looks much more attractive than one that is not toned.

So now you know the way to lose arm fat is to change eating habits and exercise hard.

Knowing this secret is useless if you choose to do nothing with it.

Though it may take some time to work this into your everyday routine, the effort is worthwhile.

A course like Shaun Hadsall’s “14 Day Rapid Fat Loss Plan” will come in handy, too.
14 Day Rapid Fat Loss Plan

Lose Weight Naturally. An Unusual Guide To Rapid Fat Loss That’s Easy, Effective & Safe

How To Lose Fat On The Legs

Popular advice on how to lose leg fat invokes the mantra of squats and leg lifts.

But that isn’t the only way. Indeed, it’s not even the best way to lose leg fat.

You can build up sleek and strong muscles with lifts and squats – but when there’s a layer of fat covering it up, no one will notice!

So how to lose fat on your legs?

It involves a two pronged strategy.

  • The first is an exercise workout that strengthens your leg muscles.
  • The second is a fat burning routine targeting your entire body.

With a combination of both, you’ll soon enjoy thinner and sleeker legs.

Your Lower Half Workout

Once or twice every week, do a lower body workout that makes the muscles of your leg and calf stronger.

Do each exercise 5 times (reps) and finish the entire sequence in each workout. Make sure to exercise both sides, alternately.

If you want more strength, add weights to increase resistance.

1. Side Leg Raise

Side Leg Raise - how to lose fat
Lie flat on the ground, on your side. Your head rests on an arm. Place your legs straight beside each other.

Without moving the rest of your body, lift up the upper leg as high as you can. Pause and hold for a moment and then return it back to the floor.

Repeat it for the other leg after turning over.

2. Clamshell

Clam Shell - how to lose fat
Lying on your side with hips and knees bent to 45 degrees, you place your right leg on top of your left. Press your heels together.

Now raise your right knee as high as possible without separating your heels. Pause a moment before returning back to position.

Repeat it with your left leg, lying on the opposite side.

3. Hip Raise

how to lose belly fat
Lie supine on the floor with knees bent and feet flat. Squeeze your buttocks together and press down your heels to lift your hips up.

Your body must form a straight line from knees to shoulders.

Hold for a moment before returning to the starting position.
Repeat this 5 times for this exercise.

4. Cross Body Mountain Climb

Crossbody Mountain Climb
Hold yourself in the push up position, with arms outstretched, elbows locked, holding your body up from the ground in a straight line from head to heels.

Keep your abdomen taut. Lift up your right foot and bend your right knee to bring it towards your left shoulder. Hold a moment and return to the beginning pose.

Repeat it with your left foot and knee.

Lose Fat On Your Legs

With this routine regularly performed for a few weeks, you’ll notice your leg muscles growing stronger and the fat around them becoming softer and even disappearing.

When you combine this with a whole-body workout that includes a

  • lunge with rotation,
  • reverse wood chop,
  • Romanian deadlift and
  • side plank exercises,

then you will burn off fat and lose weight in addition to building muscle.

The answer to how to lose leg fat is thus a combination of whole body fat burning routines and leg muscle strengthening workouts.

For more about the best way to lose leg fat, check out Shaun Hadsall’s “14 Day Rapid Fat Loss Plan”.

Lose Weight Naturally. An Unusual Guide To Rapid Fat Loss That’s Easy, Effective & Safe

How to Lose Fat On The Back

Rapid Fat Loss
How to lose back fat?

Fat that has accumulated on your back can prove to be quite difficult to get rid of.

Many people tend to ignore it, thinking that it will just stay there forever. It’s not something they are happy with, but must learn to live with.

It’s not impossible to lose back fat. In fact, there are a number of ways that you can try out to get the desired results.

So, how to lose fat on your back?


A great way to lose back fat is to start exercising with the aim of strengthening your back muscles.

You can start by doing cardio exercises, which will help to get rid of stored fat around various parts of the body. Here you can use an elliptical machine, exercise bike or just jog and run.

A rowing machine also comes in handy as it helps to tone back muscles as well as helping burn off fat.

Swimming is another exercise that will help you lose back fat, especially when combined with basic plank drops that help to work out back muscles.

Make Diet Adjustments

1200 Calorie Diet Plan
One of the most effective methods on how to lose back fat is to change your diet.

This contributes to the rate at which people store fat in the body. Try and base your diet on lots of vegetables and fruits, avoiding fatty or starchy foods as far as possible.

It is important to note that there are no specific foods that can target back fat alone. You need to work on the entire body if you want to see the fat from your back shed off.

Start the day with a vegetable omelet or green smoothie to get your body to burn fat.

Load up on vegetables that are grown locally and are in season. These are more nutritious than the ones shipped to your area and grown in a green house.

Always make balanced, nutritious meals to get all the energy you need without putting on weight.

A balanced diet can go a long way in losing fat and feeling healthier. So when you’re asked ‘how to lose fat’, remember that it has a lot to do with what goes into your mouth!

Change Your Lifestyle

When wondering how to lose fat on the back, another option is to modify your lifestyle.

Take some time off and relax, as this is one of the ways to burn fat around your back.

Get quality sleep. This is also important for your weight loss journey. Aim to sleep for 7 to 8 hours every night.

Drink plenty of water as it helps shed extra weight.

Cut down on alcohol, soda and fizzy drinks that add empty calories to your intake and pile on fat.

Before you make any adjustments to your diet, lifestyle or exercise regime, be safe and check with a medical professional who will give you the green light to proceed.

Any effort to cut down on back fat is a marathon, not a sprint.

Don’t expect to see results overnight. It takes some patience and dedication to start losing back fat.

But you’ll eventually get back the shape you want after you put in a determined effort into becoming fit.

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How To Lose Fat On The Thighs

How to lose thigh fat?

You want to lose thigh fat because it can make you more physically attractive and healthier. Simple everyday exercises can help you get rid of chubby thighs permanently.

So let’s discuss how to lose fat on the thighs quickly and easily, just by making some easy tweaks to your lifestyle.

1. Walk Up The Stairs

Climb stairs
Do you usually take the lift upstairs?

Stop today.

Climb up the stairs instead.

This is one of the best ways to lose thigh fat. You’ll also strengthen your thigh muscles and gain better posture.

When you climb up stairs, don’t slouch or stagger. Do it briskly, standing upright with a slight bend at the hip.
Don’t rush or jump, but don’t plod like it’s climbing up a steep mountain either.

In a while, you’ll find it easier, and soon it will become a habit… one that will help you lose fat on the thighs.

2. Get Out And Run

Running - how to lose fat
Okay, not a sprint or high speed race, perhaps. But how about a relaxed jog or brisk walk?

That’s surely within your capabilities. You just need to find time in your day for it, or fit that into your regular routine.

Aerobic exercise makes your muscles stronger and gives your heart a much needed workout. It also speeds up metabolism and burns off fat.

Mornings are a good time to go jogging. Get the right shoes and find an ideal place to run.

3. Don’t Drive

Instead, use a bicycle for shorter trips to the store or gym.
Cycling works out your legs and thighs. It helps melt off thigh fat and tones your muscles which gives your thighs a sleek and strong look.

Bicycling is one effective idea for how to lose fat on the thighs quickly.

4. Walk Briskly

If you’re not keen on running or cycling, at least start walking.

A lazy stroll won’t help your thigh fat problem. You must power walk at a brisk 5 to 6 km per hour speed. Don’t try this if you have health issues, though.

Walking burns calories and makes your thighs stronger and fat free.

5. Try Weight Lifting

Lift weights
Squats are great exercise for your thighs.

When you perform them while carrying weights, you’ll speed up the process of how to lose thigh fat. Start with lighter weights and work your way up.

By doing this regularly and building up gradually, you’ll soon find your thigh fat melting and your lower extremities getting firm, slim and strong.

6. Use Other Leg Exercises

If you have access to a gym or a leg extension machine, then try other exercises like stretches which put an additional load on your thigh muscles.

Don’t be too rough, or you might end up hurting yourself. With consistent effort and discipline, you’ll soon burn off thigh fat.

There are a dozen other ways how to lose fat on your thighs.
You’ll learn about them in “The 14 Day Rapid Fat Loss Plan“, a best selling fat loss program designed by a professional trainer and fitness coach.

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How To Lose Inner Thigh Fat

Want to know how to lose inner thigh fat?

If your weight is normal but your inner thighs touch, you might believe you’re carrying around extra fat. But it could be simply because of your bone structure and narrow hips.

If you anyway want to know how to lose fat on your inner thigh, understand that it is not always easy.

You’ll have to follow a combined approach involving weight reduction and workouts designed specifically for inner thigh muscles.

Nothing about losing inner thigh fat happens quickly.
You’ll need patience and perseverance. There might be days or even weeks when nothing seems to happen.

You may be used to losing fat quickly from your belly, thighs or arms, and think it’s going to be just as fast. But the first thing to learn about how to lose fat on the inner thighs is that it is a slow process.

You will achieve slimmer thighs and legs if you stick with it.

Eat Right

Eat fewer calories. Avoid saturated fats completely. Reduce your intake of red meat and consume only lean protein and whole grain foods.

Low fat dairy is permitted, but tends to add to body fat.

Exercise Regularly

Whole body exercises to lose fat are equally important when you’re thinking about how to lose fat on the inner thigh.

Ketosis helps convert fat stores into energy, but the fat is drawn from all parts of your body, not only the thighs. That’s why general workouts are such an important part of losing thigh fat.

Biking and swimming are particularly effective at burning fat while exercising your legs and thigh muscles. Even people with arthritis or leg injuries will be able to perform them.

Doing leg workouts at least 2 or 3 times a week will help lose fat. Playing sports is another option, where group activities help make the weight loss process fun.

Thigh Exercises

Scissors Kick

  • Exercise workouts specific to your inner thigh muscles include crossover lunges and side lunges. These must be repeated at least 15 times for each leg and thrice daily.
  • Scissor kicks will help build tone in your inner thigh muscles and firm your lower belly muscles also. Each exercise must be held for 10 seconds and repeated 7 times after a break of 5 seconds.
  • Inner thigh squeezes are performed with an exercise ball held between your thighs. This exercise is exceptionally good for losing inner thigh fat. Hold the ball in a tight grip for as long as your muscles can maintain pressure. Stop when you feel tired.
  • Squat lifts and adduction routines for the hip are other thigh exercises that are effective in melting away thigh fat.
  • You may prefer more fun activities like ice skating, roller blading or gymnastics to cut the flab off your inner thighs.

There are many other things you can do to lose inner thigh fat.

Following a regular approach with discipline and persistence is the key. If anyone asks you how to lose fat on the inner thigh, think for a moment about all that you do – but then answer:

“Slowly. Really slowly!”
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