Omega 3 Fish Oil Supplement Side Effects

What are fish oil supplement side effects and how common are they?

A supplement with a high-concentration of omega-3 fatty acids obtained from fatty fish like tuna, salmon, mackerel, mullet, herring and trout makes up fish oil capsules, tablets or liquid supplements.

Certain supplements also have fish oil along with vitamins like B1, B2, B3, E, C, A and D. Fish oil is mostly recommended to those who need extra omega-3 fatty acids in their nutritional diet.

Commonly, fish oil is recommended to those suffering from arthritis, ADHD, high blood pressure, hardening of the arteries, menstrual pain and kidney problems. Serious health conditions like cardiovascular damage and diabetes can also be treated with fish oil as it helps to prevent blood clots, reduce swellings and modify high levels of triglyceride.

Possible fish oil side effects

Other fish oil side effects include loose stool, diarrhea, nausea, fat in stool, decreased appetite, constipation and vomiting. Some fish oil capsules that are coated to eliminate fish burps can help to minimize these side effects.

Also starting with lower doses of fish oil supplements and working upward to a higher dose may help to control possible fish oil side effects. When fish oil is consumed along with meals, they enter your body at a slower rate and thus the risk of possible side effects is minimized.

Additional fish oil side effects include headache, depression, short-term memory loss, nasopharyngitis, somatic disorder, worsening of asthma symptoms, increased risk of colon cancer, decreased physical activity, hemolytic anemia, increased blood pressure, increased appetite and a general feeling of discomfort. Though it is not known how many consumers of fish oil suffer from these side effects, if they become severe, it is advisable that you stop consuming fish oil supplements altogether.

Be Watchful for Potential Fish Oil Side Effects

Fish oil is an essential health supplement because it contains omega-3 essential fatty acids (EFAs) which are commonly prescribed to individuals who have certain inflammatory ailments as well as heart diseases. Even though fish oil has several health benefits, it has certain side effects which can range from minor to serious. Let’s talk a little about fish oil supplement side effects.

Thinning Blood

The consumption of omega III fish oil supplements can result in thinning of blood. If you are presently taking medication which causes blood thinning, then be sure to speak with your doctor before you take omega III fish oil supplements.

Fishy Aftertaste

Even though this side effect is not harmful, it can cause a great deal of discomfort and embarrassment. Imagine a mouth which smells like rotten fish as well as a constant attack of fishy burps. Thus before you consume these supplements, make sure you have a good mouth freshener.

Stomach Pain

Stomach pain is one of the commonest fish oil supplement side effects. When people start consuming fish oil, they might notice oily stools and at times even blood spots within their feces. Also, they might be in danger of experiencing acid reflux or heart burn. In addition, several individuals have reported experiencing nausea for the initial few days.

Vitamin Toxicity

Omega III is obtained from fish liver. Fish liver is known to possess high levels of vitamin D and A. consuming these supplements will result in an increased amount of the vitamins D and A. excessive consumption of these vitamins can result in vitamin toxicity.

Blood Clotting Difficulties

Since one of the fish oil supplement side effects is blood thinning, you should be extremely careful regarding the dosage that you take. Ideally, it should be approximately four hundred milligrams daily. Consuming more than that will result in severe blood thinning, leading to an increased difficulty in blood clotting after an injury or cut.

How to Avoid Fish Oil Supplement Side Effects

One way to avoid the side effects of consuming fish oil is take them in the proper doses. At the start, you might experience some side effects, but in nearly all cases, all the side effects disappear in a couple of days. If the side effects persist after a few weeks, consult a medical professional.

You can also avoid fish oil supplement side effects by taking high quality supplements which have been assessed to be free of mercury and other heavy metals. Before you start taking these supplements, get a comprehensive checkup with your doctor. Keep healthy and stay safe.

And it is also important to make sure that the brand and formulation of fish oil supplement that you choose meets certain criteria. This short report will explain more about it – you can read it here now